
作者: 时间:2021-06-22 点击数:

姓名 洪铁 职称 教授

办公地点 william威廉官网304室 办公电话 0431-8561705
邮箱 hongtie@jlu.edu.cn
教育背景 1982-1986 学士,药学,william威廉官网,延边大学
1996-2002 博士,药学,医学部,东京大学
工作经历 1986-1994, 药理学部,吉林省中医药科学院
2002-现在 william威廉官网药理教研室
主讲课程 药理学; 药事管理学; 高级药理学
研究领域 抗炎药理学; 免疫药理学; 过敏性疾病
科研成果 刊物:
1.Fu S, Ni S, Wang D, Fu M, Hong T*. Berberine suppresses mast cell-mediated allergic responses via regulating FcɛRI-mediated and MAPK signaling[J]. International Immunopharmacology, 71(9):1-6. 2019.
2.Fu S, Ni S, Wang D, Hong T*. Coptisine Suppresses Mast Cell Degranulation and Ovalbumin-Induced Allergic Rhinitis[J]. Molecules, 23(11):3039. 2018.
3.Fu M, Fu S, Ni S, Wang D, Hong T*. Inhibitory effects of Bisdemethoxy-
curcumin on mast cell-mediated allergic diseases[J]. Internatioanl Immuno- pharmacology. 65:182-189, 2018.
4.Fu M, Fu S, Ni S, Zou L, Liu Y, Hong T*. Anti-inflammatory Effect of Epigallocatechin Gallate in a Mouse Model of Ovalbumin-induced Allergic Rhinitis. Internatioanl Immunopharmacology. 49:102-108, 2017.
5.Hong et al: Effect of Quercetin in the 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine-Induced MouseModel of Parkinson’s Disease Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume, Article ID 928643, 6 pages doi:10.1155/2012/928643, 2012.
6.Hong et al: Composition and bioactivity of polysaccharides from Inula britannica flower. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 51(4): 550– 554, 2012.
7.Hong et al: Suppressive effect of berberine on experimental dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology. 34: 391-397 2012
8.Hong et al: Protective effect of myricetin in dextran sulphate sodium-induced murine ulcerative colitis. Molecular Medcine 7(2): 565-570, 2013
9.Hong et al: Hepatoprotective effect of the flavonoid fraction isolated from the flower of Inula britannica against D-Galactosamine-induced hepatic injury. Molecular Medcine. 7(6):1919-23,2013.

Ligusticum Chinensis Extract for Treating Rhinitis (ZL CN201210177843) :Authorized by China Intellectual Property Office in 2015

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