
作者: 时间:2021-06-22 点击数:

姓名 徐华丽 职称 教授

办公地点 william威廉官网301 办公电话 0431-85619705
邮箱 xhl@jlu.edu.cn

2005/09-2009/07 william威廉官网,药理学博士
2000/09-2003/07 william威廉官网,药理学硕士
1995/09-2000/07 白求恩医科大学,学士
工作经历 2021/09 - 今  william威廉官网,william威廉官网药学系,教授(博士导师)
2014/09-2021/09 william威廉官网,william威廉官网药学系,副教授(硕士导师)
2010/01-2012/07 美国Morehouse School of Medicine,博士后
2006/09-2014/09 william威廉官网,william威廉官网药学系,讲师
2003/08-2004/07 日本福冈大学,访问学者
2003/09-2006/09 william威廉官网,william威廉官网药学系,助教
主讲课程 药理学,药事管理学,药学综合知识与技能
研究领域 心脑血管与肿瘤药理
科研成果 1. Yanzhe Liu , Dayun Sui , Wenwen Fu, Lin Sun, Yuangeng Lia, Ping Yu, Xiaofeng Yu, Yifa Zhou and Huali Xu. Protective effects of polysaccharides from Panax Ginseng on acute gastric ulcer induced by ethanol in rats. Food & Function. 2021;12(6):2741-2749. (Corresponding author)
2. Yaozhen Wang, Wenwen Fu, Yan Xue, Zeyuan Lu, Yuangeng Li, Ping Yu, Xiaofeng Yu, Huali Xu and Dayun Sui. Ginsenoside Rc Ameliorates Endothelial Insulin Resistance via Upregulation of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2021;12:620524. ( Co-corresponding author)
3. Jingtao Zou, Dayun Sui, Wenwen Fu, Yuangeng Li, Ping Yu, Xiaofeng Yu, Huali Xu. Total flavonoids extracted from the leaves of Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack alleviate oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in a rat model of diabetic cardiomyopathy.Journal of Functional Foods. 2021,76,104319. (Corresponding author)
4. Ping Yu, Yuangeng Li, Wenwen Fu, Xin Li, Yanzhe Liu, Yaozhen Wang, Xiaofeng Yu, Huali Xu and Dayun Sui. Panax quinquefolius L. Saponins Protect Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion No-Reflow Through Inhibiting the Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome via TLR4/MyD88/NF-κB Signaling Pathway. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2021;11:607813 (Co-corresponding author)
5. Zeyuan Lu, Hongyan Liu,Wenwen Fu, Yuchen Wang, Jianan Geng, Yaozhen Wang, Xiaofeng Yu, Quan Wang, Huali Xu, Dayun Sui. 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol inhibits epithelial-mesenchymaltransition by promoting retinoid X receptor alpha in humancolorectal carcinoma cells. J Cell Mol Med. 2020;24:14349–14365.
(Co-corresponding author)
6. Jianan Geng, Wenwen Fu, Xiaofeng Yu, , Zeyuan Lu1 Yanzhe Liu, Mingyang Sun, Ping Yu, Xin Li, Li Fu, Huali Xu and Dayun Sui. Ginsenoside Rg3 Alleviates ox-LDL Induced Endothelial Dysfunction and Prevents Atherosclerosis in ApoE -/- Mice by Regulating PPARγ/FAK Signaling Pathway.Front Pharmacol. 2020;11:500.
(Co-corresponding author)
7. JIANAN GENG, HUALI XU, WENWEN FU, XIAOFENG YU, GUOLIANG XU, HONGYAN CAO, GUANGZHU LIN and DAYUN SUI. Rosuvastatin protects against endothelial cell apoptosis in vitro and alleviates atherosclerosis in ApoE / mice by suppressing endoplasmic reticulum stress. Mol Med Rep. 2020;20(1): 550-560,
8. Shan Liu, Dayun Sui , Wenwen Fu, Xiaofeng Yu, Yuangeng Li, Xueji Wu, Yiping Hou, Minyu Guo, and Huali Xu. Laxative Effects of Yangyin Tongmi Capsule on a Model of Diphenoxylate-Induced Constipation in Mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020;2020:1471824. (Corresponding author)
9. JIANAN GENG, HUALI XU, XIAOFENG YU, GUOLIANG XU, HONGYAN CAO, GUANGZHU LIN and DAYUN SUI. Rosuvastatin protects against oxidized low density lipoprotein induced endothelial cell injury of atherosclerosis in vitro. Mol Med Rep. 2019;19(1):432-440. (Co-first author)
10. Yuchen Wang, Huali Xu, Wenwen Fu, Zeyuan Lu, Minyu Guo, Xueji Wu, Mingyang Sun, Yanzhe Liu, Xiaofeng Yu and Dayun Su. 20( S)-Protopanaxadiol Inhibits Angiotensin II-Induced Epithelial- Mesenchymal Transition by Downregulating SIRT1. Front Pharmacol. 2019;10:475. (Co-first author)

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