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1998-2001 william威廉官网 生物化学与分子生物学专业 博士研究生

1990-1993 白求恩医科大学 生物化学与分子生物学专业 硕士研究生

1984-1988 william威廉官网 化学系 本科生


2017- william威廉官网 教授

2016-2017 william威廉官网 教授

贵州医科大学 董事长助理(挂职)

2008-2017 william威廉官网 教授、副经理

2008 奥地利格拉茨医科大学 博士后

2006-2008 william威廉官网 教授

2000-2006 william威廉官网 副教授

1994-2000 白求恩医科大学地方病研究所 讲师

1988-1994 白求恩医科大学地方病研究所 助教







1.人毛囊多潜能干细胞的获取及其在组织工程及再生医学中的应用. 2011年度国家科技进步二等奖(№.2011-J-233-2-11-R05)

2.人毛囊源性多潜能成体干细胞的获取及其在再生医学中的应用. 2009年度中华医学科技奖一等奖(№.200901131P1006).

3.成体干细胞组织工程研究及其产业化前关键技术. 2006年度吉林省科技进步一等奖(№.061005004).


1.分子医学导论(第二分册:分子医学各论),william威廉官网出版社,2007年11月第一版. ISBN978-7-5601-3714-8(主编)

2.细胞移植治疗,人民军医出版社,2012年8月第一版. ISBN978-7-5091-5893-7(副主编)


1. Xueli Ren, Jun Akimoto, Hideyuki Miyatake, Seiichi Tada, Liping Zhu, Hongli Mao, Takashi Isoshima, Stefan Muller, Seong Min Kim, Yulai Zhou and Yoshihiro Ito*. Cell migration and growth induced by photo-immobilised vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) isoforms[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2019.05.31, 7: 4272-4279.

2. Wu Zhenxu, Zhou Yulai*, Chen Li, Hu Mingxin, Wang Yu, Li Linlong, Wang Zongliang, Zhang Peibiao*. Binding efficiency of recombinant collagen-binding basic fibroblast growth factors (CBD-bFGFs) and their promotion for NIH-3T3 cell proliferation[J]. Biopolymers, 2018.02.19, 109(3): e23105

3. Yiqi Wang, Yulai Zhou, Xin Wang, Yang Liu, Shaolin Wen, Xianliang Zheng, Ping Wang*. Cytocompatibility and in vivo biodegradation of graphene-modified chitosan 3D porous scaffold[J]. Materials Letters, 2018.02.19, 220: 1-4.

4. Pengfei Liu, Yetong Feng, Delu Dong, Xiaobo Liu, Yaoyu Chen, Yi Wang & Yulai Zhou*. Enhanced renoprotective effect of IGF-1 modified human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells on gentamicin-induced acute kidney injury. Scientific Reports. 2016.02.02; 1-14.

5. Pengfei Liu, Jinglei Cai, Delu Dong, Yaoyu Chen, Xiaobo Liu, Yi Wang, Yulai Zhou*. Effects of SOX2 on proliferation, migration and adhesion of human dental pulp stem cells[J]. PLoS One. 2015.10.23 e1-17.

6. Pengfei Liu, Yetong Feng, Yi Wang*, Yulai Zhou*. Therapeutic action of bone marrow-derived stem cells against acute kidney injury[J]. Life Sciences, 2014.09.16; 115: 1-7.

7. Pengfei Liu, Yetong Feng, Chao Dong, Dandan Yang, Bo Li, Xin Chen, Zhongjun Zhang, Yi Wang*, Yulai Zhou*, Lei Zhao*. Administration of BMSCs with muscone in rats with gentamicin-induced AKI improves their therapeutic efficacy[J]. PLoS One. 2014.05.13; 9(5): e97123.

8. Yulai Zhou , Hongyan Shi. Xining Li, Peng Lv, Guangsheng Li, Qinyi Liu, Hui Xu. Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Aberrant Activation of Fluoride-Treated Osteoblasts. Biol Trace Elem Res, 2013; 154: 448-456.

9. Pengfei Liu, Yetong Feng, Chao Dong, Di Liu, Xuan Wu, Haoyu Wu, Peiheng Lv, Yulai Zhou. Study on therapeutic action of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell combined with vitamin E against acute kidney injury in rats[J]. Life Sciences, 2013.05.02; 92: 829837.

10. Manman Su, Yulai Zhou, Dingding Wang, Tianmin Xu, Weiqin Chang, Mingxing Wang, Xuejia Yua, Dan Fenga, Zhu Han, Weiqun Yan. Expression and purification of recombinant human apolipoprotein C-I in Pichia pastoris[J]. Protein Expression and Purification. 2011.06; 78: 22-26.

11. Zhu Wenhe, Zhou Yulai, Sun Dejun, Li Zhiwei. An uPA cleavable conjugate of a recombinant αvβ3 targeting toxin and its bioactivity[J]. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011.03; 27(3): 563-569.

12. Xu Hui, Zhou Yulai, Zhang Xiuyun, Lu Peng, Li Guangsheng. Activation of PERK signaling through fluoride-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress in OS732 cells[J]. Toxicology. 2010.11.09; 277(1-3): 1-5.

13. Manman Su, Tianmin Xu, Doudou Wang, Yulai Zhou, Chao Niu, Weiqun Yan. High yield and purification of recombinant human apolipoprotein E3 in Pichia pastoris[J]. Protein Expression and Purification, 2009.11; 68(1): 7-11.

14. Wang Ping, Shi Yi, Jia Yuanyuan, Zheng Jingtong, Wang Zongliang, Chen Yanyan, Zhou Yulai. Study on the feasibility of bacterial cellulose as tissue engineering scaffold[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2009.08.31; 79-82: 147-150.

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