
作者: 时间:2021-08-11 点击数:












2013-2016, 加拿大纪念大学, 博士后研究员

2012-2013,新加坡国立大学, 博士后研究员

2006-2009,中国药科大学 中药学博士


2017-目前,william威廉官网, william威廉官网, 副教授/博士生导师

2016-2017, 加拿大水文研究所, 高级研究员








1.Zhang WD, Sun S, Aitken D, Likhodii S,et al. Lysophosphatidylcholines to phosphatidylcholines ratio predicts advanced knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford), 2016;55:1566-74.

2.Zhang WD, Sun G, Likhodii S, et al. Metabolomic analysis of human plasma reveals that arginine is depleted in knee osteoarthritis patients. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2016;24:827-34.

3.Zhang WD, Sun G, Likhodii S, Aref-Eshghi E, et al. Metabolomic analysis of human synovial fluid and plasma reveals that phosphatidylcholine metabolism is associated with both osteoarthritis and diabetes. Metabolomics. 2016,12:4.

4.Zhang WD, Likhodii S, Aref-Eshghi E, et al. Relationship Between Blood Plasma and Synovial Fluid Metabolite Concentrations in Patients with Osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol. 2015;42:859-65.

5.Zhang WD, Randell EW, Sun G,et al. Hyperglycemia-related advanced glycation end-products is associated with the altered phosphatidylcholine metabolism in osteoarthritis patients with diabetes. PLoS One. 2017; 12;12(9):e**.

6.Zhang WD, Likhodii S, Zhang Y, et al. Classification of osteoarthritis phenotypes by metabolomics analysis. BMJ Open. 2014; 4(11):e006286.

7.Zhang WD, Wang PY, Wang Y, et al. Simultaneous determination of aurantio-obtusin, chrysoobtusin, obtusin and 1-desmethylobtusin in rat plasma by UHPLC-MS/MS. Biomed Chromatogr.2014, 28:369-74

8.Zhang WD, Wang Y, Wang Q,etal. Quality evaluation of Semen Cassiae by using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science. 2012; 35, 2054-2062.

9.Zhang WD, Wang Q, Wang Y, etal. Application of ultrahigh-performance LC coupled with MS for analysis of lignans and quality control of Fructus Schisandrae chinensis. JSS. 2012;35, 2203-09.

10.Zhang WD, Yang WJ, Wang XJ. Simultaneous determination of tectorigenin, irigenin and irisflorentinin rat plasma and urine by UHPLC-MS/MS: Application to pharmacokinetics. J ChromatogrB. 2011; 879, 3735-3741.

11.Zhang WD, Wang XJ, Zhou SY, et al. Determination of free and glucuronidated kaempferol in rat plasma by LC-MS/MS : Application to pharmacokinetic study. J ChromatogrB.2010; 878, 2137-214.

12.Zhang WD, Qi LW, Yang XL, et al. Identification of the major metabolites of tectorigenin in rat bile by liquid chromatography combined with TOF and ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. RCM.2008; 22, 2677-84.

13.Zhang WD, Yang XL, Xu L. Identification of the key metabolites of tectorigenin in rat urine by LC-MSn. Biomed Chromatogr. 2009; 23, 219-221.

14.Zhang WD, Qi LW, Yang XL. Determination of tectorigenin in rat plasma:Application to a pharmacokinetic study after oral administration of tectorigenin or its prodrug tectoridin. Chromatogr.2008;68,1021-1025.


1. 2016:学术报告,第12届国际代谢组学大会.爱尔兰都柏林,Title: Hyperglycemia-related advanced glycation end-products is associated with the altered phosphytidylcholine metabolism in osteoarthritis patients.

2. 2015:学术报告(Travel award获奖500美元, 获奖率10/500),第11届国际代谢组学大会.美国旧金山。Title: Metabolomic analysis of human plasma reveals that arginine is depleted in knee osteoarthritis patients.

3. 2015:学术报告,2015世界骨性关节病大会.美国西雅图,Title: Relationship Between Blood Plasma and Synovial Fluid Metabolite Concentrations in Patients with Osteoarthritis.

4. 2014:墙报,2014美国风湿病学院年会.波士顿。Title: Classification of osteoarthritis phenotypes by metabolomics analysis.

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